Freitag, 5. März 2010

Really time for more spirituality!

Since my travel in India, I am looking for the spiritual India - what I cannot see! One woman told me in Mumbai, that for her is spiritual growth, the way how you cope with the situations in life. And India is a nice country for inner growth, because everything is possible or can happen, especially "hard" situations often occur, when travelling through India . I like what she said. "Hard" situations are mostly not really hard situations, just for us tourists/"westerners"/"used to a lot of luxus people" some situations seem to be impossible to solve. Whatever, I decided its time to learn to meditate properly, and the 10 day long meditation course of Vipassana sounded to be a good way for me...
Two calls of my rickshaw driver, and the rickshaw full of young local boys, picked up along the way, we finally found the place of the quiet, rural located place of the Vipassana Center near Eluru. Surprise, surprise, I arrived here one day to early, because on the telephone I couldn't hear exactly what is going on, not even if I have now a place for the course or not. This is a little place, not fully booked out. So everything was ok, I got a room and could join the seva (seva means selfless service) man and the teacher to eat. They were very friendly and explained me a lot of things. Since it was my first stay in an ashram, I was very thankful that they showed me, how it works. E.g. how the plates have to be cleaned, you don't touch the glass with the mouth when you drink, ... and they also made me to understand, no use of words what are not really necessary, because tomorrow its time for SILENCE!
my room/cell
sleeping rooms/cells
meditation hall

... and it was. After 10 days of observing total silence (fully isolated - no communication in words, in eye contact, in body language...) and also the day's shedule (4 am wake up, meditation all the day with breaks of course, sleeping at 9 pm), I got in the first time very deep contact with myself. Observing the mind and body, it helped me a lot to understand what my deep worries, thinking-behavior... are. After these 10 days were over, 10 minutes speaking - mediation is not even the half so deep as before! - showed me, how important it is to observe silence! It was a really hard time, sitting so long, made my whole body hurting, my mind sometimes played the game of just want to quit the course, but a very very good experience and big step on my spiritual ladder. Vipassana is following the meditation technique of Buddha (Buddha means "the enlightened/awakened one"), and with the course you enter the path of "dhamma" (Buddhas teaching, path of "awakening"), which is said, that life will be recognizable "easier", when you go home after finishing with this course!
In my situation, I thought, nothing could be more easier, or better, or whatever, because everything was alright, and I have no daily routine..., and until now, travelling was very easy, because the people here always helped me without asking - they have a good understanding of body language/feeling for each other, helping without thinking to get something in return (no ego!) and are very patient and accept situations, however they are. But when I left the course, some members had the same way than me - to go to the next bigger place, to Vijayawada for taking a train - so they took me to the train station there. I started to feel more than ever to be a package, handed from one hand to another!

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