Dienstag, 2. März 2010


On my trip to Mamallapuram, I had to change the bus. But it was the time where the children go home from school, so I had to wait there for 2 hours, until the bus will have more space and also for tourists. Of course, now where I got used to be alone and enjoyed it, it needed not long until I had company and a nice talk...
Welcome in the touristic "kaff" Mamallapuram *g*. Some pictures of the main sights here. The Shore Temple
and the Five Rathas - it is really not worth to pay entrance. Everything you can see from outside. I didn't hear to the people who told me that and went inside - but now I understand!

the Lighthouse and some views from the front of it

The beach

It was nearly always raining - ah, the monsoon is later here!Sometimes I didn't know where my feet were standing on when I was walking home. The surface of the water is plain, but not the road - so I had luck or was it destiny?
The only thing to do in the raining time, was to sit in one of the lots of shops here and drink tea. There are no tourists, no work, so it is hard to pass all shops without having a cup of tea. I enjoyed to use all my little vocabulary in the conversations and I had my first contact with boys from Kashmir. As before in Egypt, in touristic places, I sometimes felt like being a piece of body - the naturaliest thing is to have sex or not? There is no reason for "not", you should enjoy life, and that's a part of it! They are right, but the answer that sex is not the only way to enjoy life, some couldn't hear. Of course, for me it is more easy to get to know boys, and in general there are not so many indian girls and women on the street, shops or restaurants. Love and sex is like everywhere also here the main topic, and a lot of boys I have spoken with have a broken heart. Either their families didn't like their chosen partner, so they had to separate, or they never had the opportunity to get close to a girl. In Hindu culture, their parents mostly choose the partner, and so boys are not confronted with this issue too much, whilst moslim rather have to face the problem being alone and need to find the partner on their own. Better or not - I can't say. And as everywhere, to have a wife/husband is also a question of money. But on touristic places, often boys think that a girl from abroad is the solution of all their problems. Many people are feeling lonely. One kiss is better than nothing, one night is brilliant... I think that they believe, e.g. in Europe we have sex all the time. Some boys have a broken heart from a tourist girl or are still waiting that their sweetheart returns. Of course, there are also the honest once, who really fall in love and marry. But mainly, tourist women as well as men hold them there a "sexmachine" for money. So you can't imagine, how often I would have been "the" solution, and how often I was confronted with this issue. I often was disappointed, after a nice talk/time/encounter, to come to this point again. Must everything be focused on sexuality... (i speak from touristic places, and Egypt, not my travel in the rest of India). I knew, the world outside is a reflection of my inside, but at this time, it was too much, and I didn't understand this reflection! It is time for a change!
Anyway, I also met some Kashmir angels, Reyaz (not on the picture), Tanvir and Asif, who showed me, that to get a "TV" is not so important and friendship is also possible, and they really know how to make good food - don't need a girl for that ;-)
On my way later, I often met boys from Kashmir and northern India. Mostly they are moslim and have shops all over the country. When I had time, felt lonely or just one knew how to catch me for a talk, I had a cup of tea with them, and often we talked about religion. So I came closer to their holy "guidebook for life", the koran and I can understand now - it is really holy. What I know now is still very little, but I admire their attitude towards life. But can it be perfect? That is what I asked myself often, so I started to ask a lot of questions, until I found one part, what does not fit in my picture totally: there is too no reincarnation! My ego was satisfied and I was relieved, no reason to convert to the Islam *g*.

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