Montag, 1. März 2010

Pondycherry - time for a change!

Arriving in the "french" town Pondycherry, i decided its time to shave my hair. It was long time in my mind, but until now, i was not brave enough. In Tirupathi I saw a lot of people, also a lot of women and children with a shaved head, who offered their hair to their gods or its a sign for cutting the ego. It was in my mind to cut my hair also on the holy hill, but it was not in my way. Anyway - its time to change my reflection, to cut my ego at least a bit ;-) - i want to give more importance to inner values, and want also that people see in me the inner values, not my outside.
The promenade in Pondycherry, my mind was working...
my beautiful hair
not only I have beautiful hair,
a nice day
and now its the right time, after passing twice the third hair cutter shop, I went into it.Oh oh - the shaver is waiting, the last picture
no, no, but now its no return
... and i was surprised, i didn't cry for my hair. It was more a big release, I felt freedom, a feeling of real happyness, not to describe. I think you can say, its like when you face and overcome a big worry. You know what I mean?
In Pondycherry is the ashram of "the Mother" and "Sri Aurobindo". But its a small ashram, a good place for meditation, but it does not host people. Very close to here, 8 km away, there is the place Auroville, which is a place of "spiritual communities". Of course I want to go there, and the possibility, when a man/guide asked to bring me was a good chance.
The meditaion hall: You need a permission to get inside, and today it was to late.
But if you want to know what is inside, maybe this model help you with it ;-)Don't worry, I don't know it too. He also showed me the israelian camp, an organic camp, where you work a bit, and you can stay for little money.
To see this camp was really fantastic, especially how the toilet works, no the picture just shows the bathroom. And it was my plan, to come here in two days to stay for a while. As usual, I was still tired of sightseeing, and that seemed a good place to hang out. But 2 raining days followed, with the sideeffect, that I got sick: I forgot to keep my head warm - now I know the use of hair.
Spending 3 days lying in my room, of course, my mind was thinking and depressive, and it got to the conclusion, I still didn't find the spiritual India. I am also sick of travelling, it is very exhausting... I don't want any more! The point is, that until now, I always enjoyed my travel, but inside I was still empty. I experienced a lot, so many perfect moments, often better like in the best movie I ever could imagine, but I mostly was not attached. I didn't understand, and it didn't fullfill me inside. I send the pray in the universe/to my angels now to find the spirituality in India, I know now, you can travel the country also without checking anything of it... This is again not enough spirituality!
When I felt better, I decided not to go in this camp, I will go to the ashram of Sathya Sai Baba in Puttaparthi. Because I heard, the engery in Tiruvannamalai, which is close to here should be very high, and a woman I met here, told me she will go there and stay for some months, I got curious and decided also to make a quick stop-over there.

1 Kommentar:

  1. I hope you feel full inside. Wish you all the best, sincerely. Also, I like your photos!!
