Samstag, 20. Februar 2010

Time to imagine

As i mentioned before, my camera is striking. The reason for that i can imagine: i was thinking in the last weeks of reducing my luggage. So also the question if i really need a camera appeared in my mind. I met some travellers, who are very satisfied without one. A strong point against it, was, that i was often not able to make pictures, when something was very special. Sometimes i thought, it will destroy the moment, and so it did. And also i got lazy with time to take the camera whereever i was going, what you maybe recognized, but maybe not, because most pictures i took in Israel and South Africa, which i didn't put in the blog yet. Anyway, the point is, the camera did, what a clever camera has to do, striking until i change my mind. So far, now its time to imagine for you - i hope you still enjoy the pattern of the letters for those who are not interested to read, so the absolute reality, or the gaps/empty space between, what is your true nature. :-)

The last pictures i made, was also in a moment, where i saw clearly again, that you cannot hold anything, you cannot take anything, it is just the moment, what you have. Everything is a dependent arising of certain conditions and will pass away sooner or later. If you are aware in the moment or not, it does not matter. That moment is like every moment in life, unique, and perfect. But you have the choice to live it by being aware or to miss it by dreaming of the past or the future. Especially when you travel you meet a lot of people, some of them you see at the first time, and you think you know them since long time, they appear and get a place straight in your heart, and one moment later they disappear again. Sometimes it hurts to let someone go, although in the same moment you are happy that it is like that. The good thing of this is, that love does not know boundaries. Love is permanent, it does not disappear, and it does not stop. Love is the connection between everything, people, animals, the nature... you can send love out in the world whenever you like, to whereever you like and you are connected. Connected with your heart, and so with everything, with god. I am not speaking about sexual love here, because this kind of love is more a desire. You want something, and if you don't get you are in misery. Love is giving without any expectation to get something in return. But with this understanding of love, of course you can reach god by having sex, it becomes holy. But what i also heard in this ashram, that having sex should lower down your energy, so if it is true? - who should want that? ;-)

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